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Beit El
A Place to Find Inner Peace and Harmony.

Our Story

Beit El is a online bible study teaching group.  Beit El was founded by Dr. G who started out teaching bible study on Wednesday nights at 6pm central standard time, and teaching the Torah weekly on Saturday's at 12 noon.  After one year of online teaching the ministry began to grow holding live gatherings of God's people celebrating the feasts and partnering with other ministries.

Dr. G began offering Teshuvah classes, known as a 'season of repentance' leading up to Rosh Hashanah (Head of the Year).  Additionally, Teshuvah, offers online teaching and preaching directed toward repentance  for 40 nights  pointing  Christian believers and sinners to repentance and sanctification.  Thereafter,  Jehovah gave Dr. G the vision to offer 'The Awaken Gathering", an end-time coming together of Christ believers seeking scriptures that parallels and relate to the signs of the end-time and the return of the Lord.

The online bible study group is continually growing and invites everyone to become a part of our body of believers.

Praying Together



At Beit El, we are driven by a profound commitment to serve and uplift our community, guided by biblical principles of compassion, empowerment, and positive change.  Our mission is to provide support, education, and resources to vulnerable populations, including the homeless, widows, senior citizens, and others facing adversity. Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to address immediate needs, promote self-sufficiency, and empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.  Rooted in faith and guided by the Holy Spirit, all are welcomed within our walls to join us as we endeavor to create a stronger, more supportive community where all individuals can thrive.


What We Believe

We believe we are citizens of the Kingdom of God awaiting our King; as we live to please and serve our King Jesus Christ.


We believe Beit El is a body of brothers and sisters in Christ striving to live pure, holy lives obeying God's Laws, Statues and Commandments.

We believe in the whole bible from Genesis to Revelation, and we believe in celebrating the feasts of the Lord known as appointed times.

We believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as three separate persons.  We believe in the return of the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior; we believe Jesus will return and rule the world (Revelation 11:15).

We believe one must repent of sin to be born again through grace by faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior ( John 3:3).

We believe in water baptism as in the immersion of water as a public proclamation of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We believe all who have faith in Jesus Christ are grafted into the "olive tree", and though not born a Jew, we believe all that are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ are given the same privilege of God's new Covenant, Laws and Statues as the Jews (Romans 11:1-24, Jeremiah 31:33).

We believe in the five gifts/offices of the Holy Spirit: first Apostles, second Prophets, third Teachers, Evangelists, and Pastors.

We believe in the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit:

    Knowledge Gifts: Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Discerning of Spirits

    Vocal Gifts: Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Prophecy

    Power Gifts: Healing, Laying on of Hands, Miracles

We believe Holy matrimony is between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24).

We believe it is our Christian duty to  be imitators of Jesus Christ as witnesses by living obedient, holy, loving, giving and sanctified lives (Ephesians 5:1).

We believe it is our Christian duty to take care of the needs of the widow, the orphan first, and then the poor without discrimination to age, creed, gender or nationality; we believe it is our Christian duty to feed the poor and homeless spiritually and physically.

We believe any man, woman, boy or girl may be saved if so desired.  God does not discriminate nor do we against nationality, age, or gender; we believe any one who desires to be save can be saved from ever lasting death by receiving salvation through Jesus Christ.

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