Credit University
A few tips about personal credit
Opt Out
You have the right to privacy and you do not have to put up with marketers intruding in your financial space. You can take steps to stop creditors from making you offers that they are hoping “you cannot refuse.” When those telephone calls, traditional mail offers, and or email solicitations come to you, they can be very enticing and irresistible; I encourage you to opt-out. By opting out you can keep yourself out of unnecessary debt that you sometimes do not need or may not can afford.
Children & Seniors
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), children and seniors (65 or older) have sparked a new wave of identity theft for information hackers and thieves, especially on the black market ( The black market is a private bid and sell service that information thieves use to sell social security numbers and consumers’ personal information.
Beware of Scammers
Be aware, there are many scam companies in business that will tell you some of the following lies:
“You can get a new social security number to open a new credit file.” The fact is that doing so is against the law.
“We can remove the bankruptcy from your report.” The fact is bankruptcy can only be removed within the appropriate timeline (10 years) according to the law; and not a day before.
“Deny that the credit is yours.” The fact is if the credit is truly yours it is in your best interest to walk in integrity and own it. Finally, credit card repair companies must provide you in writing with the actions they will take to improve and repair your credit with timelines. In addition, you do not have to pay the credit repair company until they have fulfilled their contract.
Free Credit Report
All consumers can request one free credit report a year. Free credit reports may be retrieved by visiting or writing to the credit bureaus.
For accurate, expedient and guaranteed credit repair schedule a free consultation with us today.
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There are no governing laws related to Business Credit, but there are business credit management providers such as NAV and others.