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Bills and Coins

Diversifying Investments

In today's society the economy is very unpredictable nationally and globally, with this in mind be encouraged to diversify your investments.  Please read our disclaimer located at the end of each web page.  Do understand you are making your personal decisions; we are not a financial broker or analyst and we are not recommending the information provided will earn you income, profit, gains or losses. Remember, never, never invest money you cannot afford to lose.

Signing a Contract


One more thing!  Insurance is a great investment.

There are all types of insurance, such as health, life, auto, homeowners, disability, etc.  The one thing we believe is of the utmost importance with insurance, is a personal relationship.  We believe you should have a relationship with your insurance agent, and choose one that will keep you up to date with your lifestyle needs.

Consider the different types of life insurance, such as whole life, term life, return on premium life, universal life, and more.  The most common life insurance is term life because it's cheaper and based upon a term of time.

Another to consider is return on premium because once the term is up, you get to receive all the money back to you, so it's kind of like a savings account.  Nevertheless, life insurance is key and everyone needs a good policy.

We just love our agent Audrey Carr-Jackson; give her a call at (504) 373-9799.

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Disclaimer:  Dr. Yulonda Thornton Griffin. Ph.D., “Dr. G., The Money Coach” is not a financial analyst, nor a stock broker.  She is a financial literacy coach.  Dr. G. teaches economic global history, financial systems, and presents traditional and alternative strategies based on formal education and personal experience.  Dr. G.  nor  her affiliates makes no promises to anyone; whether readers of her books, listeners of her tapes, CDs, videos, tv and radio shows, or viewers of her website and or social media outlets that implementation of her strategies will result in realizing financial earnings and gains, or prevention of loss of financial earnings or gains.  Please note that the content within the materials created by Dr. G. are exclusively for informational purposes.

Copyright 2024 by LIV Consultants, LLC

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